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Focus group - community energy efficiency activities and services

From providing building surveys through to installing retrofit measures in buildings we want to explore the range of different approaches used by community organisations to deliver energy efficiency services.

18 April 2024 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Members only

We recognise that many Locality members are updating their community spaces to reduce energy bills and cut carbon emissions. Many are also delivering a range of energy efficiency activities and services for their community, from providing building surveys through to installing retrofit measures in buildings. However, navigating the complexities of these services isn’t always easy - and queries are common.

In collaboration with Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) , Locality wants to explore the range of different approaches used by community organisations to deliver energy efficiency services. This focus group aims to understand the experience, opportunities and barriers faced by the Locality network. And by doing so, we aim to shape research for the for Access Foundation to help inform their work to grow the social economy retrofit market.

The focus group will discuss:

  • What energy efficiency services Locality members are providing, including advice, retrofit, design, installation and evaluation.
  • What are Locality members’ ambitions in delivering these services – and what could you they in the future with the right support?
  • What is the advantage in community organisations delivering these services, including job creation and skills development.
  • What skills and capabilities are required to deliver the services.
  • The key barriers or challenges members are facing.

We’d love for you to share your ideas and experiences.

Locality is able to offer a small bursary of £75 for your attendance at this meeting.

Bookings will be limited to 15 delegates – so please do book promptly if you want to be involved. Book today to join the discussion.