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Crisis Support

Lifeboat support is there in times of crisis to help you stay sustainable in the short term.

You know when you have a problem, an enquiry, or just need to talk there is always someone there to listen, advise, or point you in the right direction.
Locality member

What is Lifeboat?

Lifeboat offers you expert and confidential advice and support if you’re experiencing problems which could affect the short-term viability of your organisation.

Lifeboat is a very flexible service and has been developed through our experience of supporting Locality members in crisis. The support can include:

  • An in-depth analysis of your organisation’s problems including financial issues
  • Providing you with expert advice
  • Support to deal with disputes and conflict within your organisation
  • Proposing a strategy to help turn your situation around
  • Supporting you to implement that strategy

Access Lifeboat support

Essentials or Membership Plus members who’ve paid for membership for a minimum of 12 consecutive months can access Lifeboat support. We’ll respond within two working days, usually with a phone call, to understand the issues facing your organisation. During our phone call, we will discuss with you how we can help and agree a plan of action.

Learn how to spot the warning signs with Lighthouse

Problems are easier to deal with if you spot them early. We recommend that you use the Locality Lighthouse tool regularly to spot any warning signs that could affect your organisation. It’s free to use as often as needed for Essentials and Membership Plus members, Network members pay £75 per use