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Find a Special Interest Group

Connect with people who share your passion and learn more about the issues that matter most to you.

Swap specialist knowledge, shape policy and funding calls and contribute to essential research.
Groups change according to member need. Check our events page for upcoming meeting dates.
I feel inspired! I came away from the meeting feeling we should do that. We can do that. We will do that!
Locality member

What is a Special Interest Group?

Groups change according to member need. Check our events page for upcoming meeting dates.

Special Interest Groups are an ideal way to offer peer support and specialist learning to colleagues from across your organisation. You can only access these groups if you are an Essentials or Member Plus member

A long-standing and popular group for those delivering services in the health and care sphere. Members learn from each other as well as feed directly into Locality’s policy work, particularly that delivered through membership of the government’s VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance.

For members interested in creating community-led housing and those already delivering projects. Members can access a variety of workshops, receive details of funding opportunities and a quarterly information digest.

The climate crisis is one of the biggest challenges we collectively face. This group meets online to make connections between members who have committed to taking action or are looking to do so in the future.

Meeting every three months, this is a space where members can share their marketing top tips, troubleshoot challenges and swap insights. A great opportunity for marketers and non-marketer to join together to strengthen our collective skills and voice.

Running a community nursery? This group provides an open space for nursery managers and others to bring pressing issues on any theme to a group of peers for mutual support.

Set up in response to concern as more councils issue Section 114 bankruptcy notices, this peer support group provides a forum for members to share their experiences and challenges of working with cash-strapped local authorities, and highlight opportunities to position community organisations as a key part of future solutions.

Over the years Locality has become the first point of call for advice, help and support.

Locality member

A group to look at all aspects of planning and implementing successful succession strategies for CEOs and Chairs

A member-led forum with admin support from Locality staff to help share good practice, tools and resources and offer peer support.

A group for all those actively managing a community building

We are stronger and have a greater voice if we come together as a group and Locality enables us to do that

Anya Mulcany-Bowman
Wellspring Settlement