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Spring Budget “This budget has ignored the elephant in the room.

Locality's Chief Exective responds to the Spring Budget

In light of the spring budget announcement, Locality’s Chief Executive, Tony Armstrong said:

“With electoral politics taking centre stage, this budget has ignored the elephant in the room.

“Mounting pressure on councils to cut services and sell assets just means local people are paying the cost. From Birmingham to Bristol, Nottingham to Thurrock, council cuts mean that charities and community organisations are struggling to keep vital local spaces and services alive.

“It's clear that a more sustainable long-term funding settlement for local government is needed. On that the Chancellor remained silent. The Government needs to act now to stop the loss of key services and spaces which have been vital in holding communities together. Local people should not bear the brunt of councils' financial problems.

“But ultimately, we have to move away from short term funding crises to create a longer term shift of power. That’s why in our manifesto we’re calling for radical reforms that put power firmly in community hands. That includes decision making powers for local people so that communities themselves can take charge of the things which are important to them.”