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Health and wellbeing

Understanding health system funding

How local VCSE organisations can best position themselves for health system funding, overcome barriers, and influence change.


Our Understanding health system funding report supports local VCSE organisations to identity the barriers to accessing health system funding, make the most of opportunities, and start proactively influencing for greater involvement in the system.

The report explores key barriers across access and engagement, resources, process and structure, and data, governance, and monitoring and evaluation.

It offers recommendations to overcome these through strategic planning, internal processes and governance, mixed income streams, and health system engagement.

It also details the importance of advocating for change and harnessing the potential of collective action to encourage long-term improvement fort the sector.

This report is designed for local VCSE organisations. It sits alongside our Keep it Local for Better Health guidance, which provides a framework for local health systems to improve how they support, invest in, and commission local organisations. The two guides have been developed to complement each other from both the local health system and local VCSE sector perspectives.

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