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Community Assets Transfer

This guide provides information and advice about Community Asset Transfer. It can be a long and complex process, and in this guide we provide support to guide you on your community ownership journey.


Community ownership of land and buildings can transform neighbourhoods, support thriving community businesses, and unlock the power of community.

Thousands of spaces across the country are already owned by community organisations – from sports centres, shops and cinemas, to nurseries, health centres and wind turbines. For community businesses, owning an asset can provide a sustainable income stream and a secure base for community activities, service delivery and local enterprise. Community ownership also enables local people to take control of the important spaces and buildings which matter to them locally, to meet the priorities and needs of the local area. Community Asset Transfer is the transfer of a publicly owned asset (usually land or buildings) to a community organisation at less than market value, or at nil consideration (no cost). This guide provides information and advice about Community Asset Transfer. It can be a long and complex process, and in this guide we provide support to guide you on your community ownership journey.

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Business planning

Business plan template and guidance

Published: 11 July 2022
6 minute read
1 document

This template is designed to help all types of community organisations wanting to write a business plan for a new business idea. It includes the structure you should follow and guidance on what to include in each section of your business plan.