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Cost of living

Early warning guide

This is a list of our top tips on how to get your community involved in your work. It includes the things that motivate people to get involved and the golden rules to follow.


This guide is intended for use by board members and senior managers of third sector organisations - from the very small to the very large. The guide is only meant to help you start to ask questions; it is not intended to be an exhaustive list. Not all the questions have obvious answers but they should stimulate discussions between staff and board that either reassure or warn you. Relate your answers to the last 12 months

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Preparing your community organisation for the future:  A guide to diversification
Cost of living

Preparing your community organisation for the future: A guide to diversification

Published: 09 September 2022
10 minute read
1 document

The inherent strength of community organisations to remain flexible and adaptable has been essential during this cycle of upheaval. It will no doubt continue to be a vital characteristic. As more community organisations face the reality of working in an increasingly unpredictable environment, where even the best laid plans can come unstuck, we hope this guidance serves as inspiration for taking alternative courses of action. The lessons throughout should also assist those community organisations who are horizon scanning for new market opportunities as part of their natural cycle of strategic planning.