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We are tackling the climate emergency

Climate change is here, we need to act now.

At Locality we are moving towards net zero ourselves, influencing to achieve change, and supporting our members and others to take community-led action on climate.

We've undertaken research and developed practical tools including looking at different business models and examples to help community organisations take climate action.

We are piloting a programme to advise and support Locality members to take action on climate - anything from greening your building to developing a project in your community. You may already have an idea you want to explore, a project in process that you need help with, or you may be looking for ideas. If you're an essentials or membership plus member please contact us, we may be able to help.

Join our climate specialist group

From retrofitting to sustainable food networks, our members are at the forefront of the community response to the climate crisis. Join our climate specialist group today to learn and swap ideas with your peers.

Tools, events and resources to take action

We will

our own emissions by 2030 and achieve net zero by 2040
our members tackle the climate crisis through tools, resources, and our climate specialist group
specialist advice and support to help organisations implement their own climate action plan
Read Locality's carbon reduction plan

Read Locality's carbon reduction plan

As well as supporting members, we are making progress on reducing our own admissions. Read Locality's carbon footprint report and reduction plan.