I start the day checking the members' in-box and reply to a couple of queries. I like dealing with them as I really feel I’m helping members and I get the chance to chat to them and hear about the inspiring work they’re doing. Then it’s straight into a short team meeting going through objectives and actions for the week. I enjoy these meetings as I get to catch up with my colleagues in the team and hear what they’ve been up to. I help the team by providing a report I’ve produced showing which members have recently joined Locality and update them on delegate numbers for our online meeting for North-East members next week. I always leave these meetings feeling energised and connected to my team, which is important when working remotely.
After a quick cup of coffee, I open my CRM dashboard and carry out my weekly checks on membership data and event bookings. I call a new member to introduce myself and make sure they’re settling into Locality. They have a question about our specialist groups, so I send them a quick email with links to our website and a group directory.
In the afternoon I send out renewal notices and invoices. I check the information in each is correct on our CRM and make sure any notes are recorded. I have a Teams call with the Membership Manager as I have a question about one of them.
I check the members’ inbox again and mark any queries I’m not able to deal with so my colleagues can help – they’ll make sure I see a copy of their answer so I can learn what I could say next time. I finish the day with a bit of data cleaning – there are often updates to contact details and communications lists and, as it’s important to keep on top of these, I like to do a little every day.

There’s a face-to-face meeting for Locality members on Thursday so, after I’ve checked the members’ inbox for any outstanding queries from members, I make a final checking call to the caterers and make sure the slides for the presentations have all been received and are stored in the correct place. I check to see if any member has requested help with transport and book them a taxi from the station to the venue.
I’m also working with my line manager on a satisfaction survey today. Together we check the questions then I create and download the reports we’ll use to send it out via our CRM. We’ve identified some changes we need to make to the form we use so I carry out some editing then test the mapping and workflows. There is some work to do for the Marketing team. I update our Events page and add a new event once I’ve checked for clashes, created a booking form and booked Zoom. I have a quick Teams meeting with our Digital Communications and Social Media Officer to discuss how we can publicise the event.
I have my weekly meeting with my line manager on Teams. We discuss the new group we’re running for members who run community gardens. I update my line manager on how I’ve set up our CRM to record participants.
I post a question from a member on in our Facebook group and spend some time liking and commenting on members’ posts.
I attend an online Neurodiversity training session. It’s really interesting and I take some time afterwards to reflect and think about any changes I can make to our processes. I email my line manager with a suggestion
A quick check of the members’ in box, then it’s time to leave for the day.
It’s the North East face-to-face member meeting today. I’m not going this time as it’s the other end of the country from me and I went to the East Midlands meeting last week. I check my colleagues have everything they need and ask if they have any tasks they’d like me to take care of while they’re at the meeting. My line manager asks me to contact a potential member and send them details of membership – we’re always looking to grow the network and I like getting involved in recruiting new members!
I spend some time drafting the email to the new member and send out regular contact emails to members using a schedule I created last month. The members' inbox is quiet, but I make sure I check it as I’m keen members always get a nice quick response.
It’s a finance afternoon for me. I check all new members have been added to our fees spreadsheet and liaise with the finance team on a couple of outstanding queries. I prepare some invoices then move on to updating some member profiles on the website and updating our members’ map.
Time to complete my timesheet. Then I end the day by checking the members’ inbox and responding to all emails before signing off for the week.