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Strengthening your community organisation: Demystifying loan finance and social investment

A webinar for members focused on simplifying loan finance and learning how to secure funding. Sponsored by Charity Bank.

13 June 2024 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Members only

This webinar cuts through the complexity of loan options, delivering a comprehensive understanding of loan funding, key evaluation factors considered by lenders and an insight into the loan landscape, providing a clear path for community organisations to secure funding and propel their initiatives forward.

Join us and gain valuable insights from:

  • Industry expert: Carolyn Sims, Director of Impact Lending, Charity Bank. Carolyn will give an insight into loan finance for community projects.
  • Locality members: Hear from fellow Locality members as they share their experience of using loan finance effectively.

The session will conclude with a Q&A to get your specific questions addressed.

Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the power of loan finance and empower your community organisation.