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Keep it Local

Local authorities can transform public services by prioritising local partnerships and investment

By following the Keep it Local principles, councils can create better services that reduce long-term costs and strengthen the local economy.

About Keep it Local

Keep it Local is a movement of councils across England committed to turning the tide on large-scale outsourcing.

Councils have long faced challenges in providing local services. Budgets have shrunk and demand has risen. While many have sought to make savings through big outsourcing contracts. However, the Keep it Local principles provide an alternative solution which recognises the value of working with local people and organisations.

Keep it Local councils embrace six principles for working with local community organisations to deliver services that:

  • Respond to needs and transform lives
  • Reduce long-term pressure on the public sector
  • Invest precious public resources in the local economy.

We want to build on and strengthen our relationship with out VCSE sector as we develop a new approach to providing services for local people and communities. We’re joining the Keep it Local Network because we recognise the power of learning from other councils in the Network as we make this shift.

Toby Savage
Leader, South Gloucestershire Council

You can also find a collection of essays and additional case studies exploring what the Keep it Local principles mean in practice.

Keep it Local Councils

East sussex county council logo

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The Keep it Local Newsletter is for people who want to find new and innovative ways to reshape local services and transform lives.

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