Locality Awards '24 winners
Congratulations to all the winners of the Locality Awards '24! Each winner received a coveted trophy, and community organisation winners took home a £1,000 cash prize. Read about all the shortlisted organisations.
Power of Community Award: PEACH – People's Empowerment Alliance for Custom House
PEACH is a member-led community organisation in East London, focused on collective action for change. PEACH has secured major wins, including a 60% rent reduction for 250 tenants, a £300,000 rent arrears amnesty, and over £1 million in refurbishment funding. Other PEACH projects include a youth-designed community garden, a workers' cooperative, and a community land trust.
Transforming Lives Award: Shantona Women and Family Services
Shantona Women and Family Services empowers women and families in Leeds to address challenges like emotional abuse, financial control, forced marriage, and gender inequality. Through advocacy and by listening to women and their families, Shantona helps transform lives.
Building Inclusive Communities Award: Sähëlï Hub
Sähëlï Hub run services to tackle health inequalities among ethnically diverse women in Balsall Heath in Birmingham. Their Try-athlon helps people try things outside their comfort zone. The Building Inclusive Communities Award is supported by Howden.
Enterprising Organisation Award: Hyde Park Source
Hyde Park Source in Leeds runs weekly gardening and education projects to support mental health and wellbeing. Once fully grant-dependent, they now earn half their income through invoiced work such as designing and selling outdoor timber products.
Keep it Local Award: West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board
West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board was the first integrated care board to sign up to the Keep it Local principles, joining their Keep it Local Councils. They were also the first Keep it Local ICS in the country, embedding Keep it Local principles in their Joint Forward Plan and empowering their places to work closer in partnership with the VCSE sector. The Keep it Local Award is supported by Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales.
Thank you to all the organisations who took part in the Awards and shared their inspiring stories with us.